
Manaus, a charming and cultural city, is the gateway to the Amazon Rainforest. The green local vegetation, the dark waters of Rio Negro, the muddy waters of Amazon River, exotic local cuisine, diverse architecture, and very welcoming people are some of the city’s treasures. One visit is all it takes to fall in love with the capital of Amazonas State.

Since it is the capital of Amazonas State, Manaus is the main metropolis in the region and the natural gateway for those who want to visit the Forest. Boats are the main transportation to the rainforest hotels, as well as to see the meeting of the waters of Rio Negro and Solimoes Rivers (Amazon River), to observe Amazon River dolphins in Anavilhanas, and to visit places such as Moon Beach (Praia da Lua).

Tours along broad rivers or narrow streams also provide contact with the riverside communities and the opportunity to experience indigenous influence at its best.

Also known as Paris of the Tropics because of its intense modernization during the Amazon Rubber Boom (a period of great economic and social growth in XIX-XX centuries), Manaus is in the heart of the Amazon Forest. The city inherited beautiful buildings from the days of the Rubber Boom, and they were built with fine materials imported from Europe. The Amazonas Theater is the one that stands out, though, with a colorful dome made with 36 thousand enameled ceramic tiles.

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